Been busy with other things lately. So hopefully I should be able to pick up the pace. I don't expect to get my parts till the end of this month, so I'm not in too much of a rush.

Frame sans seatstays. hopefully I'll have those and possible the rest of it done this week. Not a lot to say so far. All is going to plan. I do say I need to Practice, or not stop brazing in between frames. I'm getting better at this heat control business, but I'm not where I'd like it to be, or where I think I can take it.

Frame sans seatstays. hopefully I'll have those and possible the rest of it done this week. Not a lot to say so far. All is going to plan. I do say I need to Practice, or not stop brazing in between frames. I'm getting better at this heat control business, but I'm not where I'd like it to be, or where I think I can take it.

I've got a lot of sanding still to so. I haven't had any surprises so far. I think if I had it to do over again, Where the downtube, and top tube crosses I'd braze it with Silver. I just flowed so brass on it. Probably too much.
My camera doesn't work well with the closeups, so this is about as close as I can get without posting a blur. I still need to file and sand a lot. Hopefully I'll be able to us my friend's camera and show some of what is going on.
Lookin' good! That downtube configuration would be a good MC frame design.
Very nice, but no looptail? Gonna fabricate some landing gear for it too?
I've been thinking about building landing gear fork(s). I thought about don't it with a loop tail design, but I had enough problems bending just the chainstays, Plus I think I'd have to use 5/8" chainstays instead of 3/4". Just to name a few complication, then I'd have to fabricate dropouts.
Still looks great, I had a quad back around 1984, somewhere around there, replaced a broken PK with it, lookin forward to seein how your's turns out, great work!
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