Sunday, March 3, 2013

Where's my fitness?

What a day for a ride. With the snow on the side of the road, it doesn't feel like a average 37 degree ride. Rather it's marbled with 32 degree winds gusting off of the snow. It's an experience. I mean you can ride the same stretch of road everyday and have a different experience depending on the weather and/or time of year.

The statistics look like this. Terrible.
Time: 1:21
Miles: 20
Mph: 14.7
Ave. HR: 145
Climb: 1063

As I say, "Welp, There you have it"! 21 days until I need to ride 85 miles in 6 to 6-1/2 hours at the Near April Fools Death Ride. Is it those extra 10Lbs. slowing me down? or is it just not riding enough. Gee if I rode more I probably wouldn't have those 10 extra Lbs. Doesn't really matter. I did the Mad Ride on about the same amount if I remember right, and it ended up being 105 miles. I probably won't have as a detailed report since this ride is out in the middle of nowhere. With these things it comes down to mind over matter. Speed is another issue.

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