1. Can of Green Beans, Corn, or Pea
2. Jar of Peanut Butter
3. Can of Chicken Soup
4. Box of Instant Mash Potatoes
5. Box of Cerial
6. Apple Sauce
7. Corn Bread Mix
8. Can of Tuna or Chicken
You have a List of 8 Grocery Stores in which you have to purchase 1 of those items. and you can't purchase the item more than once.
It's good to get to the start early and try to figure out where your going to go, because all you have is a list of address. I'm not that familiar with Shawnee Mission, Prairie Village, and Kansas City Kansas, but I had been to all of them, but one.
I believe I was in the top 3 with one store to go. I was with Joel and his friend they got hung up in Westport (Never take Self Check out), so I took off thinking I could just reason my way there. The next/Last stop was over in Kansas City, Kansas. It wouldn't have been a problem, and I did find it, but the thing is you need know what way through the intricate laberinth of Roads and Bridges that is "the West bottoms" that separates the two places. I rather than taking to more direct route, I wound up dead ended in a couple industrial parks before finding my way there.
The end was at ACME Bike shop, and again you have to work your way across Bridges, rail road yards, Bridges over Interstates, Bridges over the Missouri River, and Bridges over the Kansas City. I guess I lack top echelon street cred. although my way wasn't bad, just not as good as Joel and his friend's. I ended up 3rd and that's OK with me.
Here are some pictures at ACME, at the end of the race. 

The side where the action is.
The famous Bike Pole
. . . and the owner of Acme right there taking a picture of me.
I suspect no less than 50 people turned up. Ths is just the beginning
Here is just a bit of the haul.
Speaking of food, we were right across from Grinder's Pizza
Congrats on the top 3 finish. It must have been a great ride! The riding I'm doing is the foot stool express on my way to headache land...
I see the super bee, you ride it in the race?
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